HydroSystem 1500 – Stormwater Treatment Device
A Hard SUDS stormwater treatment device to treat polluted stormwater runoff from roads, car parks, metal roofs, industrial sites and artificial sports pitches.

HydroSystem 1500 Stormwater Treatment Device. DIBt Approved for construction.
Connectable surface area from 1600 to 3600m2 depending on the contamination level of the runoff. For installation in either concrete or plastic chambers within 1500mm shafts. Fully DIBt approved, and so meets UK EA approval. This is the Big Brother of the well known and DiBT approved HydroSystem 1000 series.
The HydroSystem 1500 treatment device combines a hydrodynamic particle separator with an up-flow filter unit above it. This double module, multi-process treatment train within the one SUDS Treatment Device removes both the solids and dissolved substances from stormwater. Space saving design, below ground, provides certainty of performance. Vastly exceeds the removal performance of oil grit separators. Retains litter and floatables. Filters out microplastics at 100% to 70 microns. removes up to 92% of TSS 0 to 200 microns.
The cleaned water can be discharged directly into infiltration systems, to SUDS surface waters or other green infrastructure components.
(if you cannot see the above video please view on YouTube – 3P HydroSystem 1500)
Stormwater SUDS Treatment Device – How it works

Filter Cartridges of the HydroSystem 1500 Stormwater Treatment Device

HydroSystem 1500 above installed in a concrete chamber.
- The stormwater runoff is directed into the lower treatment room of the system. The angled inlet generates a radial vortex flow pattern.
- The hydrodynamic particle separator promotes particle sedimentation, particularly of the sand and silt fraction.
- The sediment is retained in a silt trap chamber below the separator. DiBT approved and tested. The silt trap is emptied out at site specific intervals.
- The water then has to pass an upflow filter device built of six cartridges. In the filter element filtration adsorption and precipitation takes place. The filter cartridges can be back-washed.
- The filter elements can be easily exchanged through the shaft opening.
- The treated water passes via an oil baffle and discharged the system by the outlet.
Stormwater Pollutant Removal
The filter media removes pollutants like PAH´s, hydrocarbons and heavy metals. Furthermore, it binds phosphorus, and removes ammonium and nitrate from stormwater runoff (see brochure for details). Phosphorus removal via a HydroSystem provides an extremely useful tool for nutrient neutrality schemes for new development projects. The multistage four-step treatment train removes both solids and dissolved pollutants.” we can remove 40% of dissolved P with our proven media technology.

3P HydroSystem treats stormwater road runoff – before and after treatment photo from site.
Further information
The HydroSystem multi process devices fully pass the DiBT standard, as referenced in the CIRIA SuDS manual (see Ch 14 Part D: Technical Detail, and Ch 26, Part E: Supporting Guidance). In so doing, they provide a certainty of performance standard that is understood and accepted by the Environment Agency (EA) in England.
If you require information on any of our SUDS Stormwater Treatment Train products please contact us or call us on 01239 623506.
Our stormwater products are chiefly supplied through a small selection of trained partners.